Case Submission
Welcome to the submission guidelines for IJCTO 2023. To ensure that the submission process runs smoothly, we have established guidelines to assist you in submitting your cases. Please note that cases can only be submitted online via the IJCTO 2023 website & it's associated platforms, and no cases will be accepted through email or hard copy. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Case Submission Guidelines - IJCTO 2023
- Case must be submitted online on IJCTO 2023 website only . No case will be accepted by Email or hard copy in any circumstances.
- In case of difficulty, contact us at
- Cases to be submitted under the Categories given in the form.
- Cases to be presented should have learning from the case.
- * The instructions for the preparation of the Case presentations are as follows:
- Please do not exceed 10-12 slides for each submission.
- Slide 1 – Case Title, Presenter Name, Institution.
- Slide 2 to 3 – Case History/Relevant Investigations
- Slide 3/4 to 11 - Procedure Angiogram & Procedure Details (Insert appropriate avi loops and text with relevant equipment used ).
- Slide 12 should contain take-home message/what we learn from the case.
- Moving files must be in avi /mp4/ wmv format.
- All videos should be kept on automatic, loop until stopped & rewind after playing mode.
- All videos should be embedded in PowerPoint File.
- We recommend that you save your PowerPoint presentation using .pptx format.
- Presentation size should not exceed 100MB.
- Once you submit you will get an acknowledgement to your registered email id.
- Cases must be submitted online by 15th April 2023
- The cases would be reviewed by an expert panel and the final list would be notified.
Clicking the submit button will take you to the online case submission platform, where you may upload your case studies in accordance with the submission guidelines.
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JUNE 2023